
Good Morning. No links today, just a rant of sorts. A few days off from posting and news, been good for my soul. The news is the same today, maybe worse if you look at how the government which is supposed to serve us is systemically robbing our future and our children's future right in front of our faces. It is Memorial Day. We are supposed to celebrate the memory of those that have died for this country. Died in her defense? Died so that world's Bankers and Financiers can continue their conquest of humanity?

If we are to examine the lies we are told about 9/11, Gitmo, Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, no new taxes, Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy we must be seeking truth. Truth is not always either convenient or comfortable. (And contrary to what Al "The Master of the Internet"Gore says it is not inconvenient either) Humans are singular in the fact that when faced with a truth that is difficult, or painful, or disappointing we are able to "reason" it away. Rather than deal with the ramifications we can "choose" to be distracted with all of the trappings of modern, comfortable life. I have said before that as long as people are able to have big screens, designer jeans, fast cars and Pamela Anderson vs. Brittany Spears at the annual PETA BBQ and Chill Cook off they don't care about truth. We will get all in a tizzy because a picture of a polar bear touches our hearts, but have you actually taken the time from your life to look at the science? This may mean you don't go out for that round of golf, or you don't watch the latest episode of Lost. You make the time to continue to educate yourself. That is how you discover truth. Along the way you may even discover a few personal truths also.

Scott and I talk a lot; we shout, yell, stomp our feet, think the other is a little whacko (death rays.... sigh), but through all this we have both had to look at our beliefs, modify them, and change them all in the pursuit of knowing the truth. That is what we have done (or attempted to do) with email chains, websites, DVD distribution, Flyers, me with this blog. We have tried to start discussions about ideas and truth.

It seems that I have managed to upset more than one of you with my manner...too bad. I quit trying to win popularity contests somewhere around Jr. High school. I have some very strong opinions that have developed through a lot of reading and thinking, research. I trust nothing and try and find at least 3 sources before I take anything as fact. So if you are going to disagree with me bring your own facts and expect that you will have to support them. I post links to show you where my facts are coming from. If you do not want to look at my facts or are just to lazy to bother how can you them tell me I am wrong? If you send me data, you can be damned sure I actually do look at it. And if it is a load of bollocks you can expect to be told that, and if it is good I will tell you that too. But if you are expecting to change my mind, well then, expect to have to get dirty.

It has been said that I am overwhelming you with details, ideas, facts. It was said that I won't admit I am wrong. I feel neither is true. It would take maybe 30 to 45 minutes a day to look at the links. They cover a variety of things so choose the ones you like. As far as being wrong... well.. no one in the discussions we have had of late has shown me any facts or has put together a lucid argument. So I am going to disable the email notifications for this blog. I will continue to post and you can come here to look art what you like, comment if you like or tell me to go pound sand. If you want to receive email notifications let me know and I will add you.

I hope you all have a good holiday.

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