
Good Morning. Had a great all day rain yesterday. My tomatoes and cabbages loved it. My basement didn't. Dutiful child #1 didn't plug the sump pump back in after we built porch steps on Sunday. What a mess!

Scott, there is a little bubble at the top of each post, click that to leave comments. Here is the link to your story. Pretty good. Although, it will all be better by the 3rd quarter, leading business economists say so. By the way, I have the beach front condo on the Moon to sell, will be a great place to watch the coming collapse of the commercial real estate market.

His Holiness, the Obama: "the president of the United States of America is now creating the business plan for an automobile company is surely a sign of something big. The world has already turned…perhaps more than we realize."

More shots at the 2nd amendment. Thank god this won't really work... I think.

North Korea is at it again. Ya gotta give that little maniac credit. And now the land of the rising sun is getting a little bit worried with no Divine Wind in near sight. But I am sure the once Barrack "Barry" Obama discusses things with luminaries like Leon 'Lou" Penetta (sounds like I am calling a baseball game; Barry makes a pitch, OH JUUUUUST a bit outside!!) , and Dick "The Dick" Channey, he will call up the only force able to deal with a global calamity of this magnitude. Team America , biatch! Seriously,(channeling Burt Baccarat) What the world needs now, is war sweet war, hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm.We already have a regional conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are going to start a big one somewhere.. three best choices are Asia (there are many factories there to destroy)a war on the Korean peninsula will involve Korea, China, Japan and most likely Russia (a Superfecta!!)with the USA and EU banking corporations funding it all, The Caucuses (this region has always been troubling for the elites)almost the same results with out destroying Japan and the southern Chinese financial areas, or Africa (just because, the eugenicists have never been fond of brown people). I do not believe that Israel/Iran is really in the cards. Too many things would be disrupted by a ethnic war in this region.

The big 3; Washington D.C., The City of London, Vatican City are slowly bringing the Holy Roman Empire back into the light.

What next?

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