
I almost forgot about Mz. Pelosi. I almost feel sorry for her. It is like watching a kitten about to be hit by a bus. Remember when L.T. broke Joe Theisman's (sp) leg? I am not a sports guy and I remember that, this will be a lot like that.

First she said this and this

Then after getting completely thrown under the bus by Team Barry she had this to say

But the most disturbing thing to me was this line "She also reiterated her calls for the creation of a “truth commission” to investigate the matter — an initiative opposed by President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)."

"Truth Commission" ... I wonder if the will pattern it after the McCarthy commission... that was a search for truth. Or maybe the Warren Commission, they certainly found the truth, or better yet the 9-11 Commission. I am starting to think commissions are a bad idea. What we need are some good old fashioned trials!

I find it amusing the Nancy is deflecting this at Bush. We know that Barry will not let him be prosecuted. Or Channey, no matter how criminal their acts were. I could write volumes on that but it would be worthless since neither will be touched. That would not be cricket as they say. So Nancy had better just accept that she needs to get on her knees and and take what is coming. Somebody in this administration is going to have to be the goat and Nancy is it. Funny that the transparent Barry and Harry "paying income tax is voluntary" Reid both are against this.

To quote the great wordsmith Yogi Berra "I never blame myself when I'm not hitting. I just blame the bat, and if it keeps up, I change bats. After all, if I know it isn't my fault that I'm not hitting, how can I get mad at myself?"

Nancy is the bat.

What next?

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