


I have been thinking about the state of politics and I realize that the same things seem to happen over and over. We as a people continue to get caught up in the good/bad, North/ South, Democrat/Republican, Liberal /conservative, right/left FALSE paradigm. If we look objectively at the policies of BHO I think we will find that they are not really any different than those of GWB or even for that matter WJC. It is the rhetoric that is different, the voters that are being appealed to, the audience that is being sold snake oil (or a shamWoW).
Eisenhower tried to warn everyone with his speech in 1961 on the growing menace that was the Military-Industrial Complex. (the transcript can be read here : http://coursesa.matrix.msu.edu/~hst306/documents/indust.html )
Kennedy was trying to limit the powers of the military intelligence community along with taking an already corrupt Federal Reserve/Treasury head on by reclaiming the Constitutional mandate the the Treasury should print money backed by gold or silver. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11110 I personally believe that this is why he was killed.
Hand in hand with Wall Street goes Madison Avenue; feeding us endless images of what beautiful people should look like, care about, lust for; and just as importantly telling us over and over that we sheep should not worry because those smarter and richer will make it alright. (I have 2 children in High School and I can honestly say I am often quite shocked at how and what they are taught. Our children are not being prepared to be anything other than consumers) We have come to assume in this country that as long as we are able to have new cars and flat screens and designer everything that our "American" way of life is safe. If that is so, why are so many people on anti-depressant/anti-psychotic medications? Why are so many becoming homeless? Because all the actions of the power brokers are designed to divide and alienate us all the while sending us the other message of unity. The only unity that these people want is a unification of their power and control over us.
I suppose I would consider myself somewhere between a Constitutionalist and a Libertarian (the religion issue always sticks in my throat) but that doesn't make everything black and white. Every issue is full of shades of gray.
Our founding fathers came from a generation of thinking men, a second renaissance if you will, and out of that came the ideas of personal liberty and civil responsibility. The Constitution of These United States and the Bill of Rights make clear the rights and responsibilities of the Federal Government, The State Governments and of each Citizen. This Document should be a living, breathing, progressive document instead of the tired, tattered rag that we the Citizens have allowed it to become. Yes, We the Citizens hold the greatest responsibility to ensure that the ideals of the constitution are held sacrosanct and above reproach. This is when a citizen become a Patriot!
To take our country back from the Bankers and the Ad-Men we need to remove ourselves from the false right/left social order that as been thrust upon us at every turn. Turn off the Television and read a book, discuss it with your children, friends, strangers on the street. Exchange ideas, not just with those that have your point of view but with everyone. We won't all agree. Why should we? But we will come to a consensus as citizens. We can reshape communities, develop relationships of interdependence. I would much rather buy a pair of shoes made in Pennsylvania than China. Sure they may cost more but that would still benefit us all. (as a sub-text, if we had a currency based on something real, they would not actually cost more since the real cost of shipping those shoes would have to be actually reflected)
We need to stand up and let our elected officials know that if they are unwilling to uphold the Constitutional mandate set down 200+ years ago that we will do it for them, and that we will hold them each responsible. Do this by attending rallies, writing letters, attending Patriot meetings, handing out fliers, talking to your children (and more importantly their teachers, whose only real concern it seems are standardized test scores). Each voice that is raised will reach one set of ears and hopefully those ears are attached to a voice. Arm yourself and know how to use those arms. This is the greatest single deterrent we as individuals have against corporatist tyranny. The ability to band together as an armed Citizens Militia. Know your rights, be educated. Grow a garden and store food and become less dependent on the system. Be fit of mind and body. Be a Patriot. This is how we will win.

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