
These bits of economic woe, have your breakfast first.

Global Debt Deleveraging Recession Gets Worse as Government Deficit Grows
Memorial Day Disaster, Foreigners Dumping Dollar Assets, Stocks & Bonds
I think Marty Weiss is one of the brightest minds out there. He has been consistent in his analysis of the situation.

There should be outrage at these events. If this is what they are willing to allow us to know about much worse happened. I am not changing my mind about torture as a means of extracting information, but rape and sodomy are not effective methods. They are sadistic acts carried out for no reason other than punishment,there is no useful purpose. The perpetrators and the people who help cover this up should be prosecuted. This type of thing is not new though. It happens anytime you take people and put them in high stress, adversarial situations for long periods of time. It has happened in every war zone that I know about. Should the prior administration be held accountable? Of course it should. Will it be? When Butterbean wins the Iron Man, then and only then will we see anyone other than marginally functional enlisted personnel charged with any crimes, maybe some poor ROTC reservist will be DHD for his or her activities...but I doubt it. Whenever an occupying army begins to treat its occupation as if it were omnipotent the empire begins to fall. The fall of USA military dominance is on its way. Washington DC will still call the shots but the troops will be under the UN banner. No conflicts using those troops on our soil then. Hell, half of them won't even speak English!

Gerald Celente Gold will shoot to the roof the dollar will collapse unenployment will rise

IRS receipts are way down and dropping. Watch for more and more ideas like this. Now I think a national sales tax is a good thing, but only if it repeals the Income Tax Act and abolishes the IRS. Let the US treasury collect the sales tax, proper tariffs, road and bridge tolls.

If only the Mogambo would start drinking bourbon ( I am not allowed to have tequila, it makes me angry, and you wouldn't like me when I am angry)I would love to go to Tampa and have a bottle with him. Anyway he has this to say. Growing Accustomed to Fed Stupidity

Nice piece on Sotomayor

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