
For those of you not sure who the NWO is, or what their objectives are, read this. Quite long, but informative.

Hat tip to Washington's Blog for this piece on the timing of economic recovery.

I am waiting for my Cadillac to arrive. Since we now own GM I thought I should get one as an owner perc...anyway, there is this bit of cry me a river article on Bloomberg. I know, I thought the same thing. Why should I care if a poorly run company goes belly up? Why should my tax dollars go to fund a health&pension fund that was so ill-conceived in the first place that it helped to destroy the only real industry left in the USofA? Where is my bail out? Now I am not disagreeing with the sentiment that Wall Street (and its little brother Madison Ave)has received more than its fair share. By my simple calculations the government could have easily mailed me a check for 556,000$(my share of the current deficit) and I would have payed off my mortgage, bought some land , a new Hummer, a bunch of stuff I didn't need and the whole thing would have inflated again. And we would be in the exact same place we are now except that Barry and the boyz would not be doing nearly so well.

Noise about the next flu out break is starting. More on that later.

What next?

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