
I received an email yesterday pointing out the benefits of our form of government. It was a well written and thought out idea, and it was completely wrong.

Think about how most of us start our day. We wake in our home or apartment to the sound of an alarm clock. Powered by perfectly metered 110v electricity that comes over a grid that powers every other outlet with that same electricity all over our country. When was the last time this 24/7 “amenity” failed or surged? When is the last time you gave any thought to the potability of the water coming out of ANY faucet in the United States? You drive down your city, county, state or federal; alley, street, bridge, road, highway or interstate; free of water and snow and it’s sometimes lighted and always labeled, marked and maintained. Your live in your house with your loved ones protected from fire, lead your life protected from villains, fraudsters, terrorists and hostile foreign nations by local and state police, federal agents a three branches of a superior military. If your unfortunate enough to have an accident or fall ill, an ambulance will come get you and if your situation is severe, you’ll be treated in a hospital emergency room regardless of your means, insurance status or nationality. Every time you pump a gallon of gas in your tank you’re sure that it’s really a gallon, you’re also sure that it’s really 87 octane. You bit into your hamburger free from hoof and mouth disease. You can enjoy millions of acres or local, state and federal parks. You’re protected from fraud, educated and given the means (if necessary) to defend yourself when accused of wrongdoing. You can put something in an envelope and have it hand delivered to the person of your choosing’s residence thousands of miles away for a 42 cent coupon. ALL our food is packed safely and labeled correctly. We have agencies protecting our environment, pharmaceuticals, food, water, airline safety, car safety and providing us with support, information and maybe even a loan to help start a business.

This was all true. In the years after WWII the United States flourished. We were the supplier of all things. We should have been. Post war Europe was devastated by carpet bombing. Japan had two nuclear bombs drop on it. An entire generation of men had been killed. By the '60's Madison Avenue had sold us the American Dream. There was hope for change. There was prosperity. People were demanding more and greater freedoms. We had the Beatles. Love ins, sit ins, give peace a chance. There was Kennedy's assassination, King's assassination, Vietnam, Kent State, another Kennedy's assassination. During this period we expanded our arsenal, our influence, our interference in developing countries politics. All this lead to the excess of the '70's, the decade of drugs sex and rock n' roll. We also had Watergate, Maoist China, the Munich Olympics, two wars in the middle east. The rise of political terrorism. We have had Iran-contra, Reaganomics, the savings and loan scandal (bankster bailout 101), CIA drug runners, two "wars" with Iraq, 9/11, etc etc etc... and through it all we have had Eisenhower's highway system, potable water, lights, communications, pharmaceuticals and safe food; all manner of wondrous things.

Where the discrepancy lies is the assumption that these things are all free, safe and for our benefit. Also I would debate the wisdom of these things being centralized under a federalist government rather than being relegated to the States as the Founders intended.

I do enjoy waking up every morning and having electricity, I like the fact it is on 24/7 and is fairly reliable. The federal government had, and has, less to do with the supply of electricity than big business (in a very odd way this shows just how well pure capitalism works)


Early electric power systems such as those installed by George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison prior to the turn of the century were isolated central stations which served small pockets of customers independently of each other. As some of these power systems grew to cover larger geographic areas, it became possible to connect previously isolated systems. This allowed neighboring systems to share generation and voltage stability resources, providing mutual benefit to each side. However, tying power systems together with these early interconnections also introduced the risk that a single significant disturbance could collapse all of the systems tied to the interconnection. Generally it was decided that the benefits outweighed the risks, and by 1915 interconnections began to flourish and grow in size. By the end of the 1960s there were virtually no isolated power systems remaining in the lower forty-eight states and southern Canada, practically all power companies were attached to large interconnections.

In 1962, when the Eastern Interconnection was established in its current form, The Interconnected Systems Group (composed of Southern and Midwestern utility companies), the PJM Interconnection, and the Canada-United States Eastern Interconnection (CANUSE) formed the Interconnection Coordination Committee to recommend an informal operations structure, which led to the formation of the North American Power Systems Interconnection Committee (NAPSIC). NAPSIC eventually grew to also include the Texas Interconnection and most of the companies in what is today the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC), operating within the Western Interconnection.

On November 9, 1965, a relatively minor system disturbance triggered a power system protection component that was not properly configured. The interconnection was operating near peak capacity due to the extreme cold weather and high heating demand, and was therefore more vulnerable than usual. The small initial outage quickly cascaded into the Northeast Blackout of 1965. This disturbance revealed the extent that interconnections had evolved without adequate high-level planning and operating oversight to try to prevent such events, and that interconnected power systems frequently had varying operating standards and procedures developed somewhat independently by each member on the interconnection. Restoration efforts were also partially hampered due to the lack of common practices and coordination procedures. Furthermore, power system protection schemes were often designed with only a local power system's design in mind, meaning that they might misoperate in response to protection schemes activating in neighboring systems. This disturbance revealed the necessity to develop common operating and protection standards as well as plans to effectively coordinate power system restoration efforts.

The Electric Reliability Act of 1967, passed due to the political pressure and fallout from the 1965 blackout, was a significant turning point in the arena of electric reliability in North America. Initially, ten regional reliability councils were created by groups of interconnected power systems, which collectively covered the entire footprints of the major North American interconnections, and NERC was then formed as a more formalized successor to NAPSIC to spearhead reliability efforts and assist the regional councils by developing common operating policies and procedures as well as training resources and requirements.

Although significant disturbances continued to occasionally occur, such as the New York City blackout of 1977, NERC undoubtedly played a significant role in minimizing the impact and frequency of these events. It is difficult to quantify this success because it is impossible to know how many disturbances were prevented by the influence of NERC and the reliability councils.

Business was given incentives to work together to make a better product. Each State then regulates that business. Public Utility Commissions are individually run by each State and each have similar but different rules based on their citizens needs. The furious growth of the American consumer demanding bigger and better toys fueled the need for a more reliable grid. GE and Westinghouse were not going to sell washing machines and refrigerators if the power was not dependable. {Again we find Madison Avenue shills and Wall Street Banksters funding and driving this boom. This was the beginning of the end of "The American Way of Life". As quickly as it started it began to kill itself. What began as a desire for a better way of life has quickly morphed into the greed fest we have today.}

I am not as sure as my email buddy that the food we eat or the water we drink is safe and clean. I am certain that fluoride is bad for us.


Since 1985, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) headquarters' union has expressed concerns about fluoride. In 2005, eleven environmental protection agency EPA employee unions, representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals of the Civil Service, called for a halt on drinking water fluoridation programs across the USA and asked EPA management to recognize fluoride as posing a serious risk of causing cancer in people. Among the union's concerns are what they contend is a cover-up of evidence from Harvard School of Dental Medicine linking fluoridation with an elevated risk of osteosarcoma in boys, a rare but fatal bone cancer.[32] However, the professor accused of the cover-up was exonerated by the federal Office of Research Integrity.[33]

In addition, over 1,730 health industry professionals, including one Nobel prize winner in medicine (Arvid Carlsson), doctors, dentists, scientists and researchers from a variety of disciplines are calling for an end to water fluoridation in an online petition to Congress.[34] The petition signers express concern for vulnerable groups like "small children, above average water drinkers, diabetics, and people with poor kidney function," who they believe may already be overdosing on fluoride.[34] Another concern that the petition signers share is, "The admission by federal agencies, in response to questions from a Congressional subcommittee in 1999-2000, that the industrial grade waste products used to fluoridate over 90% of America's drinking water supplies (fluorosilicate compounds) have never been subjected to toxicological testing nor received FDA approval for human ingestion."[34] The petition was sponsored by the Fluoride Action Network of Canton, New York, the most active anti-fluoridation organization in North America.[citation needed]

Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS was one of the 12 scientists who served on the National Academy of Sciences panel that issued the aforementioned report, Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of the EPA's Standards. Dr. Limeback is an associate professor of dentistry and head of the preventive dentistry program at the University of Toronto. He detailed his concerns in an April 2000 letter titled, "Why I am now officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water".[6]

In a presentation to the California Assembly Committee of Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials, Dr. Richard Foulkes, B.A., M.D., former special consultant to the Minister of Health of British Columbia, revealed:

The [water fluoridation] studies that were presented to me were selected and showed only positive results. Studies that were in existence at that time that did not fit the concept that they were "selling," were either omitted or declared to be "bad science." The endorsements had been won by coercion and the self-interest of professional elites. Some of the basic "facts" presented to me were, I found out later, of dubious validity. We are brought up to respect these persons in whom we have placed our trust to safeguard the public interest. It is difficult for each of us to accept that these may be misplaced.[35]

On April 15, 2008, the United States National Kidney Foundation (NKF) updated their position on fluoridation for the first time since 1981.[36] The foundation's position stated, however, that there is insufficient evidence to recommend fluoride-free drinking water for patients with renal disease, and did not voice opposition to water fluoridation.[37]

The International Chiropractors Association opposes mass water fluoridation, considering it "possibly harmful and deprivation of the rights of citizens to be free from unwelcome mass medication."[38]

I filter all my water, and yes I use filters designed to remove fluoride, arsenic, aluminum and all other trace heavy metals.

Along with mercury in vaccinations, fluoride in water (along with Prozac) is one of the greatest health concerns facing American children.

During an investigation into the mercury issue, HAPI learned that
Thimerosal, a 50% mercury compound, is still being used to produce
most vaccines and that the manufacturers are simply "filtering it
out" of the final product. However, according to Boyd Haley, PhD,
Chemistry Department Chair, University of Kentucky, mercury binds to
the antigenic protein in the vaccine and cannot be completely, 100%
filtered out.

All four vaccine vials tested contained mercury despite manufacturer
claims that two of the vials were completely mercury free. All four
vials also contained aluminum, one nine times more than the other
three, which tremendously enhances the toxicity of mercury causing
neuronal death in the brain.

The mercury content of routine childhood vaccinations has been linked
to the current autism epidemic as well as numerous other neurological
disorders affecting children today. Currently, one in six children
are affected in some way and one in 250 children are diagnosed as
autistic compared to one in 10,000 prior to mercury containing

Strangely autism is almost non-existent in the Amish communities that refuse vaccinations. (as is Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,ALS) So are the most common cancers and heart disease despite a diet full of red meat, fried foods and the most wonderful Pennsylvania Dutch Goodies. I attribute this to the fact that their livestock is not fed Monsanto feed, they do not use BST (Bovine Growth Hormone) in their Dairy Operations, they do not use round-up or round-up resistant seed. I would highly recommend watching a film called "The World According to Monsanto" and will gladly supply one to anybody who asks.

It is amusing to me also that the federal government has chosen to be directly involved in communications. The FCC is able to control information and its flow by the selective use of very ambiguous and archaic laws on what is considered vulgar, lewd, or inciting. The Federal government is currently trying to enact a "fairness doctrine" that would require broadcasters to either carry "opposing view" content or eliminate content deemed to be biased. Again these 'rules" tend to be very ambiguous and open to interpretation. Another current piece of legislation is the cyber-bullying". This all smacks of Thought Crime easily followed by thought police.

Even Sanchez's attempt to define the term "cyberbullying" poses problems, said UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh.

"The bill defines it as 'using electronic means to support severe, repeated and hostile behavior,' but what does 'severe, hostile and repeated behavior' mean?" he asked.

"I've written articles opposing the bill that have appeared online. That's electronic and -- because I've written a few of them -- repeated. I was also severe and hostile in my criticisms. Under her law, I can now go to jail."

Have we become so weak that we require federal laws about how we talk to someone? We have laws against libel, slander, and harassment. Now a vaguely written bill will try and decide how I speak to another individual? Our freedoms, rights, and liberties may be the pillars upon which our form of government is built, but those pillars are being hacked with broad swings of the federal axe. The government of the people and by the people will shortly become governing of the people.

Again my friend asserts that we are protected from fraud, and I suppose that is true, unless the fraud is committed by the treasury, federal reserve, Wall Street,
the insurance industry, the auto industry and the executive branch of our government.
I wonder if the bondholders in GM are feeling defrauded? Isn't it fraud to give GM and Chrysler 50 Billion (BIG B) and then allow the to sell of portions of those company's to foreign countries. China gets Hummer, Brazil Buick, Russia Opel. I think saw Saturn going to the Penske group... hmmm... Saturn winning the Indy 500... NOT!!! Those jobs are not being saved. Those investors are not being compensated fairly. The Stewards say that GM is being restructured to build cars America wants. Bollocks!!! America wants big, wanking, gas sucking man trucks. The elitist global warming hawks, want green shoe boxes that can be carbon taxed from here to Saudi Arabia. And Ponzi Schemes are illegal unless they are called "cap and trade".

He also states that we are educated (strangely his own children do not attend public school). I think the assertion is we are educated for free by the government. My property and school taxes say otherwise. I once asked a school board member about the "federal funding" and was told that it all comes with strings, that because of federal funding requirements and matching funds requirements and mandatory testing requirements school boards no longer have very much say on curriculum. We need to teach our children how to read, do logical math and basic science.
This doesn't even begin to address whether our children are being educated well.

We can not allow our government to continue to print money backed by nothing, we can not allow the cronyism we have seen pour trillions of dollars into the Banking industry while millions of Americans are with out jobs. We must redevelop an industrial and technological base. We must make the federal government retract itself and allow local and State government to take the roll the founders intended. We must hold to the precepts of the Constitution and allow the Democratic Republic, the Union of like minded States to be reborn. This social morass we find ourselves slipping into will strip us of everything that makes us free and we will become wards of the state, property, chattel, human livestock being husband by an self affirmed elite group of money maniacs who think they have they manifest destiny to decide what is "best" for humanity.

Things have worked well for my friend, he has been diligent, hard working and goal oriented; he has managed a level of success by taking advantage of the tools that were available. That does not mean that those same tools will be available for ever, nor that they should be. My contention is that the United States of America, the world in general is at the end of the industrial age as we know it. Just as we once built things, and consumed things, required stable power grids, good roads, etc. so now will China, Brazil and other emerging, developing countries. We like the Romans before us are in decline. We have become fat and complacent with a sense of entitlement. We have allowed those that are supposed to serve us to lead us.

I caution everyone, please do your own research. Read everything, think, discuss.

My email buddy and I may never agree, and actually I hope he is right, but in the mean time I am storing food, bullets and band aids.

What next?

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