
Defacto Government?  


The illusion that either party actually represents the people who elect them is the greatest bit of skullduggery pulled off in the last 150 years. If you look at the fights going back to Andrew Jackson vs. The Bank of the United States you will see that the actual power is held by the moneyed elite. ( And I say elite only because this is how the view themselves... a .308 removes their elite-ness almost instantaneously) Woodrow Wilson gave the banksters the power to control our money and our countries policies and Hoover out of desperation and Roosevelt out of pure narcissism sold the USofA into indentured servitude at the feet of the UN and the IMF. This fight continues today and seems to be reaching a fevered pitch with the banksters (behind the messiah) trying to take what little freedoms we have and replace them with fear and avarice.
I think it would be interesting to talk about the difference between true democracy and the many forms it can take Representative, Social, Liberal, Parliamentary (which the founders never intended), a Republic and the subsets of a Federal or Confederate Republic, or as we have to day Federalism (the federalist papers where written at the time of the Constitutional congress, but the expansion of the Federal government into all aspects of State affairs did not happen until after Mr. Lincoln's war... this could lead to a discussion as to whether the Confederation had the right to secede, state sovereignty being the underlying cause of the Civil War, and perhaps coming around again) which has existed I think since Reconstruction. This is not about parties but about types of governments, what do we have, where is it heading? Are you happy with the style and type of representation you have?
I know that everyone is busy, and that taking the time to research these things much less talk about them seems futile but, and it is a big but, if we as people and citizens do not think and discuss and educate ourselves then we are destined to allow all the things we take for granted disappear. Understanding what the founders of this great experiment were attempting is the surest way for us to protect it... relying on others to protect it is the surest way to lose it.
And on another note, for those with kids. What have you told your children to do when the school administration tells your children they MUST take a vaccination? Mine have been told to say NO!, and to call me immediately.
Have a great day;

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