
Well, another day and it is raining again….I hate rain. Hopefully it will only be for a couple of hours and I can finish the garden today. I have a house to paint and a porch to build also, so rain is not my friend.

On the upside, it does give me time to focus on today’s batch of Doom and Gloom.

First, from the, I couldn’t agree more department:


and this


and another clue that we are walking a thin line to totalitarianism


Wall Street and the District of Criminals are somehow managing to really hide what they are up to. Funny thing is they are doing it in plain sight. First the Hankster manages to funnel Billions (big B) to his pals at the Westchester and Hamptons Country Clubs and then after covering up the other Billions to cover up the thievery that was done at Goldman Sachs through AIG and the soon too blow derivatives bubble and then after forcing Ken Lewis and BoA (jury still out on this though) to buy up Merrill …. Wow…. Okay so Hank retires to a nice life with billions of our money and his kid gets a soccer team… sweet deal. Now lil Timmy Geithner shows up and after a few stumbles and false starts and Papa Barrack picking him up and dusting him off, Timmy decides to give away Billions more. Every time someone questions the tactic Papa comes on with the mantra “Lions and Tigers and Bears. OHMY!!” ; so the next thing that Timmy and his new bestest buddy Benny want to do (and this is my favorite ) is suspend the mark to market rule. I mean come on, does that mean that my 1978 Datsun B210 (the actual make and model have been changed to protect the innocent) is now worth 85000$ cuz I say so? And then they also get to keep any “assets” they want off their books too. Kind of like if I wanted a new car and I just keep my 6 maxed out credit cards and 3 alimony payments off the books… OF COURSE I WOULD LOOK SOLVENT AND POST A PROFIT… anyway, so after all that Timmy and Benny want to do stress tests and guess what,


are you freakin kidding me??

And anyone in the great stat of Pennsylvania, please get on your email, phone, telegraph, light beams from Alpha Century and let Mz. Babette Josephs know we want HR95 (Pa Sovereignty resolution) out of her committee for a vote. Her contacts are as follows:

District Office
1528 Walnut St. Suite 501
Phila., PA 19102
P: 215.893.1515
F: 215.560.5816

Harrisburg Office
House of Representatives, Room 300
P.O. Box 202182
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2182
P: 717.787.8529
F: 717.787.0861


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