
good Morning

Well, the rain stopped and I can finally finish Davids windows and siding!! Painting next week. Yeah!

The first link was sent to me by Steve W. It is a fantastic article. I had forgotten about the Daily Bell, but will be adding it back into to my reading rotation. The link is here.

And this is a look at the housing recovery.... for the BANKS

Scouting! it's not just for the fun of it! Please contact you Scout Master or local DHS Agent for a fun filled adventure near you.

Most of the financial news for Bloomberg, CNBC, and FNN is so full of shit today I can't even comment on it. They really must think we are stupid. Insurance companies are getting TARP funds.. because they invested your premiums in risky derivatives we are now giving them more of your money to buy up more risky derivatives... now I know I am just a gun clinging, small town, country educated wood butcher... but, FFS I can even see the folly in this.

Well, time to grab child number one by the ear and go put some windows in... oh, BTW who thinks I should register with the state?? I for one don't think I should be required to register as a builder....more control... on the upside, .45ACP seem to have better availability this week.

Have a beautiful day.

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